ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. is a Buzzi company and managed as part of the Eastern Division of Dyckerhoff. Buzzi is a corporation located in Italy, which operates plants in 13 countries, with almost 10,000 employees worldwide.
We provide our customers with high quality products, and additionally offer construction-related consulting and other services. Our production is adapted according to the latest findings in construction materials technology, and we handle limited resources responsibly.
ZAPA is basically synonymous with concrete. Hopefully we can afford such a statement as we are one of the largest producers of concrete on the Czech and Slovak market.
Company introduction
The history of the company ZAPA beton began at the start of the nineties as a small business with only a few employees. Production initially took place in batching stations. The first conventional concrete mixing plant operated by ZAPA was in Kačerov in Prague. For financial reasons, the company’s initial expansion mainly went the way of renting older plants and their gradual modernisation. The first markets in the Czech Republic were Prague and Central Bohemia and the first plant in Moravia was the concrete mixing plant in Hulín. The acquisition of new plants took place swiftly and, over the course of the 1990s, ZAPA beton became one of the leading producers on the Czech market for ready mixed concrete.
At the end of the same decade was ZAPA beton incorporated into the structure of the German Dyckerhoff Group, which later became part of the multinational Buzzi Unicem Group from Italy. This holding company is orientated towards the production of cement and ready mixed concrete and is active in Europe, Russia, the USA, Mexico and North Africa. The company thus stabilised its capital at the turn of the millennium and continued to grow. In 2003, ZAPA beton a.s. became a company with 100% foreign capital participation. It also gradually achieved an important position on the Slovakian market, where it has now been present since 2001, and is also active on the Hungarian market. ZAPA beton also produces aggregates.
Production in ZAPA beton a.s. takes place on the level of individual plants (concrete mixing plants or plants producing aggregates), with a basic division into the regions of Bohemia and Moravia. The same regional division also applies (in the case of ready mixed concrete) to sales activities. Company management – economic and administrative control – is performed centrally. The company does not have any branch or another part of enterprise abroad.
ZAPA beton a.s. participated in establishing the Czech Association of Concrete Producers and is one of its active members. Its subsidiary company, ZAPA beton SK s.r.o., is a member of the Slovak Association of Ready Mixed Concrete Producers. These are professional interest groups made up of the most important companies in the field.
Important milestones
- Celebration of 20 years since the foundation of ZAPA beton SK s.r.o.
- Development of the NEMO 2.0 project focused on premium special products
- Completion of the PPP project Bratislava Bypass: Motorway D4 and expressway R7, on which we cooperated for almost 4 years and delivered 245 000 m3 of concrete
- Three years of concrete production for D4R7 including the Bridge No.6 on the Danube River
- Increase in production while stabilizing the team of our employees and sales department
- Completion of concrete outsoursing process
- Pump services close to 10% share of company outcome
- Successful respond to pandemic situation Covid-19
- Risk is not a profit - ensuring employee safety, their health and satisfaction is one of our primary pillars in sustainable development
- Beginning of concrete outsousing
- Return to concrete pumping services with our MP36 and MP42 in addition to our Mixopumpy (PUMI) services
- Peak in the concrete’s production for Bypass Bratislava (close to six digits number in concrete production for Bypass Bratislava - 97.000 m3)
- Reconstruction of old concrete plant at Most pri Bratislava = two mixing devices
- Termination of mining in gravel strictly in Hungary
- Opening gravel Halaszi in Hungary
- Quality Management Recertification according to ISO 14001: 2015
- Completion of the first stage of the project D1, Lietavská Lúčka-Višňové-Dubná Skala
- Beginning of the D4R7 project within Bratislava Bypass
- Launching of the NEMO Project; closing of the KOVV Project
- production of the whole ZAPA concrete group increased by 10% year-on-year
- completion of the company's restructuring
- the reorganization of the company, the processes in the company and the KOVV project continue
- acquisition of the Hungarian company Eaststone Kft. with sandpit
- ZAPA beton a.s. celebrates its 25th anniversary since the founding of the company
- ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. celebrates ist 15th anniversary since the founding of the company
- start of production at Višňové and Dubná skala as part of concrete production for project D1: Lietavská Lúčka - Višňové - Dubná Skala
- launch of the KOVV project - Quality and trade is for everyone
- operations in Hlohovec, Sered and the company administration obtained the quality certificate EN ISO 14001: 2004
- New General Manager
- sale of operations in Senica
- Merger of SONDA, s.r.o. with ZAPA beton SK s.r.o.
- Buzzi Unicem “squeezed out” the remaining minority shareholders of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft and became its sole shareholder
- start of company reorganization
- sale of operations in Brezno
- increase in production compared to 2012 by 22%
- termination of mining in the Považany gravel pit
- start of mining in the Ducové gravel pit
- start of ready-mixed concrete‘s production in Hungary under the heading ZAPA BETON HUNGÁRIA Kft.
- acquisition of a 33.33% stake in EURO BETON, s.r.o.
- Impact of the economic crisis on the sales of the ZAPA beton Group: production in the Czech and Slovak Republics in total dropped to 1.7 million m3
- reconstructed operation in Hlohovec
- termination of operation of ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. in Trenčín
- Production by the ZAPA beton Group in the Czech Republic and Slovakia exceeded record 2.5 million m3
- ZAPA beton becomes the number one on the Slovak market for the first time
- reconstructed concrete plant in Prešov
- Acquisition of SONDA, s.r.o. (Slovak Republic)
- the company's turnover exceeded the value of SKK 1 billion
- reconstruction of operations in Sered and Banská Bystrica
- opening of new concrete plants in Levoča and Holíč
- The ZAPA beton Group produced over 2 million m3 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. becomes the second largest company in the Slovak Republic according to the volume of ready-mixed concrete production
- new plant in Most near Bratislava
- ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. becomes a member of the Slovak Association of Aerated Concrete Manufacturers
- construction of a new concrete plant in Košice
- reconstruction of operation in Žilina
- operation of a concrete plant in Trnava together with spol. Strabag s.r.o.
- expansion to the Hungarian market, establishment of a subsidiary ZAPA BETON HUNGÁRIA Kft.
- reconstruction of concrete plants in Piešťany and Nové Mesto nad Váhom
- operation of concrete plants in Michalovce and Brezno
- the company owns 13 concrete plants
- acquisition of ownership interests in ZAPA beton, s.r.o., Dyckerhoff Transportbeton Slovensko, s.r.o. and Slovpanel Beton a.s.
- establishment of ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. as a 100% subsidiary of ZAPA beton a.s.
- commissioning of the first concrete plants in Hlohovec, Skalica and Piešťany
Company management

Organizational structure
Production of concrete and aggregates at ZAPA takes place on the level of individual plants, with a basic division into the regions of Bohemia and Moravia. The same regional division also applies (in the case of ready mixed concrete) to sales activities. Company management – economic and administrative control – is performed centrally.